Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Great article about the ill effects of socialized medicine

This is an excellent article I found about socialized medicine. From the viewpoint of someone who has seen the failures firsthand of government sponsored health care programs. A very good read.

Heaven Help Our Health Care System if Hillary gets elected.

By Martin Berliner

President Lyndon B. Johnson raised the costs of medical care for the American people when he initiated the great society and introduced Mdicare and Medicaid. Prior to this physicians charged one fee for office visits. It didn't matter what tests you had performed, they were all included for the one flat fee.

Medicare and Medicaid changed all that. The government made the physician charge by what procedure was performed and what supplies were used. This immediately caused medical care prices to rise. This was the beginning of socialized medicine in the United States of America.

The latest supper fiasco is the new CMS 1500 Medicare form.

The federal government knew it had to convert to different forms about 11 years ago. They did nothing for 11 years. They waited until the last minute to change the computer programs and Medicare forms.

Here’s what the inept federal government did. They designed the form completely wrong according to good design practices. Typing lines in the wrong place. Numbers that go in box A on one part of the form go in box B on another part of the form. Numbers that go in box B on one part of the form go in box A on other parts of the form. The form can cause enormous amounts of errors.

They sent out the wrong specifications to printers who then printed millions of wrong forms. These forms will be rejected when submitted to Medicare or other insurance companies. So what did the government do next? They didn’t know who had the wrong forms so they instructed everyone to use the forms they had and when rejected they would know they had the wrong form. Brilliant idea!! Who pays the printer for printing the wrong forms. No one. Just grin and bear another government mistake.

The HIPPA laws mandated the change to be April 1, 2007. The government wasn’t prepared so they changed it to May 23 2007, Then because of the printing mess, they changed it to June 1, 2007. Then it is changed to July 1, 2007. Only the federal government can change mandated dates.

In conclusion, If the federal government nationalizes our health care systems my question is ” How many times will they change the date for your heart operation”. Probably until after your dead.

If you think I am kidding or obnoxious or wrong, checkout the healthcare systems in England, Canada or any other nationalized healthcare system.

Great Britain's health care system was created in1948. It’s first year operating costs were 52 million pounds higher than estimated. That’s over 100 million US dollars in 1948 equal to about 50 billion in today's dollars. That's for a much smaller country than the United States. There are many articles about the poor quality of England's socialized medicine. The quality was inferior based on physician shortages, medicine shortages and long waits for needed surgery. Market based competition was begun in 1989 after 41 years of terrible medical care.

Some of the headlines of the latest articles of of Great Britain's Medical Care: UK lags behind on cancer drug access. Specialist stroke care “lottery” Cancer patients told life-prolonging treatment too expensive. 5000 elderly killed each year for lack of care beds. British Health Care Rationed. Life saving cancer drugs held from patients. British body rejects EPO drugs for cancer patients. 2000 British doctors out of work. National Health Service faces rising bill for negligence claims. British boy to go to India for operation. Figures show more patients waiting for operations. Drug regulator to withdraw approval of Alzheimer’s treatment. U. K. Liberal Democrats Raise Taxes to pay for Health Care. Smokers and obese banned from UK hospitals. NHS fund bias against men may cost 2,500 lives per year. Tumor patients hit by NHS shortages. Heart patients die on waiting lists. Study finds British hospitals are still smelly, cold and poorly maintained. Discrimination Rampant in British Health Care.

Other European Countries: Switzerland hospitals on the verge of a breakdown. Sweden edges toward free-market medicine. Netherlands socioeconomic inequalities similar to UK and Scandinavian countries.

Canada: PET scans not covered. Physician turns away patients for being 55+. Patients shouldn’t wait for more than 8 weeks for cardiac defibrillator. Canada inches towards private medicine. Hip and knee surgery wait times should be not more than 6 months. Surgery backlog hits 5,500 at kids hospital. Access to specialists difficult. Plus many more.

You make your own decision. Do you really want the socialized medicine that Hillary wants?

Martin Berliner has been designing and manufacturing medical forms and systems for more than 50 years. He is qualified having designed and produced over 10,000 different forms for hospitals, clinics and medical professional providers including, physicians, podiatrists and chiropractors. He was also one of the original designers of the superbill in the early 1970's. http://www.drsforms-systems.com

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Beware of government involvement in your health care socialized medicine or universal health care whatever you call it does not work.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hillary Clinton not the brightest bulb Socialized medicine Sucks

Our topic today socialized medicine or as some call it universal health care. Actually that’s not so much my issue as Hillary Clinton's idiotic plan, why not spend $110 billion a year, and that’s just the baseline as with any government figures that number will jump exponentially, in order to degrade our healthcare to an archaic system such as in the U.K. While decreasing the tax base by basically forcing employers to cut the size of their workforce due to cost issues.

First off anyone insured or not with an illness can go to the emergency room and be seen and be treated, therefore contrary to liberal propaganda everyone in the United States already has the right to healthcare.

Socialized medicine sucks!!!

Also cost who will pay for this? Tax dollars, where will the extra money come from? The stock Robin Hood answer oh let the rich pay for it we will raise their taxes and that will cover the extra costs. Hillary Clinton may be a hood but it’s more like a robbing hood. The obvious answer, of who this will cost the most, is the middle class which is fine for people like Hillary who believe there should be no middle class. Only the plebs and the aristocracy such as the Clintons and the ilk they associate with.

Universal healthcare can’t work!!

Another point employers will either have to provide coverage for all employees or pay an extra tax in to a special fund. This will drive up the cost to employ someone obviously reducing the number of positions an employer can offer or even retain meaning less taxpayers. Great solution Billary.

Deny it all they want but universal health care does not work please follow the link and read the stats. He words it much better than I ever could.

Five Myths of Socialized Medicine

Michael D. Tanner Comments on Hillary Clinton's Health Care Plan

Glenn Beck on Hillarycare Hillary Clinton's Social

Do you really think big government should have the right to require you to have health insurance? That does not sound like freedom to me. Sounds like a new way to monitor and control the citizens. If you read between the lines you can hear what she is really saying. “We know what is best for you, the plebs of society just can not be trusted to make their own decisions on issues such as this”

In closing say no to socialized medicine, universal healthcare, total government control or whatever you may call it, I am a firm believer that this is just one more step towards the tyrannical form of government that our forefathers so bravely fought against.

By the way I am uninsured myself at the moment and wish I could afford insurance so I would like to see a plan that works. So far in my opinion the only feasible plan I have seen is the idea of a free market system in health care. If competition is nurtured then prices will go down while quality of service increases it is win win for everyone except maybe the insurance companies, but who cares they have been gouging the American public for so long they’ll get over it.

Please before you right me off as some Clinton hating right wing loony just look at the reports and look at the facts. Do we really want to trade one freedom-hating tyrant for another one? Please with the primaries coming investigate where these candidates stand and don’t believe the hype.

Make an informed decision!!!

Socialized medicine sucks!!

Universal health care can’t work!!

Vote for freedom vote for liberty!!

The choice is obvious!!!